Classes at Sew Much More are ongoing. You can begin at anytime. Contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 517-627-1411
Cycling season is beginning for 2012. You may need some arm or leg warmers for those cool mornings. I have some new fabrics for cycling jerseys. Some of these are not yet posted on the web site. Call for an appointment to see these great new fabrics. 517-627-1411
To find these Activities, click on Fun Facts and go to Activities.
1. Bible: If you and your family are interested in Bible reading and learning more about God, the Bible Activity may be just what you are looking for.
2. Parts of the Sewing Machine: This is a good worksheet to see how much you already know about the parts of a sewing machine and what they do and where they are.
3. For those of you who like word games, check out the new Word Search, Boggler, Words in a word, and the Alliteration. Get your name on the web site and compete against your classmates.